About Me

Paul Sumners is a qualified surveyor of yachts and small craft, and has been involved in boating since a young child.

He has enjoyed a long and successful career in engineering at shop-floor and managerial levels, alongside a fifteen-year secondary career as a passenger boat master.
Part of the passenger boat role involved day-to-day upkeep tasks along with intensive winter maintenance and repairs, aiming to keep these Victorian and Edwardian vessels afloat and working.
This experience reinforced Paul's appreciation and admiration of mature and antique craft, and his determination to assist in their preservation for future generations.
Paul has a deep understanding and admiration of both inland waterway craft and those designed for coastal waters.
Amongst other large-scale undertakings, Paul has recently re-fitted his narrowboat from a bare shell.

Paul lives with his partner in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire.